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Join the Revolution
By attending the Summit, you'll be contributing to the wholehearted mission: To put an end to burnout, both individually and globally. The Revolution starts within!
We pledge to work and lead others towards a culture of sustainability and well-being, starting with us.
We take responsibility for and prioritise our own health, wealth and emotional states, so we can then support others from abundance.
We work in alignment with our purpose, passions and values, not because we have to, but because we want to.
We work to leave the world a better place than we found it, even in small ways, together we can make a difference.
We listen with an open mind and open heart, and take the best from all perspectives.
This is how we will unleash global human potential: Think big, start small, enjoy the journey and never stop growing.
Are you with us?
Summit Agenda
"Putting an end to individual and global burnout"
20 November 2023
Rob Kirby
Sarah-Jane Peterschlingmann
David Beal
Cheryl Cruttenden
Feda Adra, Andrew Lizzio, and John Smilek
Martin Krippner
Andrew Ramsden
Balance is overrated! (And compromise can go to hell)
Balance is the key to burnout and most things in life, right? Wrong! Andrew makes the case for why you should use balance and compromise as a last resort only. No this isn't about selfishness, it ends up being better for everyone. Come along and find out how.
Solving burnout, once and for all
We've heard from many speakers, now it's time to hear from you. We'll break into small groups to tackle some interesting and challenging questions around burnout and what we can do to support ourselves, each other, and society as a whole.
Nicky Mih
Meet the Speakers
Your Summit Chairs
Martin and Andrew will be tag-teaming the facilitation of the Summit. Expect excitement, interaction and engagement (in small groups), we want you to be a part of this too!

Sustainable Success Sherpa
Andrew Ramsden
Andrew Ramsden is an international bestselling author, speaker and Sustainable Success Sherpa who has been featured in Business Insider, CEO Weekly and Disrupt Magazine. The Founder of Peak State Global and host of the Peak State Podcast, Andrew has empowered over 7000 leaders from around Australia.

What is a Wholehearted Leader anyway?
Wholehearted Leaders are not just ‘fair weather leaders’, able to stand tall when things are sailing calmly along. Wholehearted Leaders have a connection to their heart that empowers them to make difficult decisions and stand strong even in the face of uncertainty and great adversity. This makes Wholehearted Leadership the only feasible choice to provide direction and support through sustained crisis and beyond.
Are you ready to continue your Wholehearted Leadership journey? Come join the Revolution!
About the book
Now more than ever the world needs Wholehearted Leaders. Leadership has become a thing you do, a thing you learn, a thing you consciously apply. Meanwhile the world has become more and more complex, it’s too much for the conscious mind to process on its own.
There has always been a role for the heart in leadership, think passion, courage, compassion, and inspiration. More than ever before these qualities must come to the fore if you’re to be a successful leader.
This is what it takes to hold the space for yourself and others in the face of increasing complexity, uncertainty and change. Are you ready to lead with your head AND your heart?